Amid a 116 hectare meadow and surrounded by holm oak, cork oak, pine, vineyard and almond trees, stands the Castillo del Buen Amor Royal Posada, a 15th century castle-palace built over a pre-11th century fortress, where you may rest in close contact with nature far away from any noise. Popular tradition nicknamed the castle ‘Del Buen Amor’ as it was the dwelling Bishop Alonso de Fonseca Quijada shared with his lover Teresa de las Cuevas and the four children he had with her.

Many of its original elements and the decoration with antique furniture have been conserved in accordance with the building’s characteristics. There are several balconies, a pool, a small lagoon and a mushroom labyrinth on the outside. The Buen Amor Posada is structured around the central Gothic patio with the reception area, bar, convention room, five social rooms - where you can listen to music, read a book you find in the castle library, play table games or cards…

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