Chefs: Pedro Mario Pérez and Óscar Manuel Pérez

Contemporary creative cuisine identified with the territory and its agri-food products. El Ermitaño's cuisine is a mixture of the personalities of the two brothers Pedro Mario and Óscar Manuel, different but perfectly assembled, resulting in a balance that can be seen reflected in their gastronomy. The fundamental principle by which they are governed, is to respect the culinary roots of Castilian. From there we come to an evolved kitchen, but with identity. Faithful reflection of this are the proposals that we find in the letter. On the one hand shows dishes that cling to it refuse to abandon it, but each season has its charm and nature has the ability to surprise us in each of them with fruits so diverse with each other that they allow the two brothers to arrive with their mind And his hands to unsuspected limits.

Address and map location

How to arrive
Where to sleep
Where to eat