Cook: Cándido López Cuerdo

Quality brands:

  • 1 Sol Repsol
  • Centennial Restaurant
  • Eurotouches
  • kitchen master

The mansion where the Mesón de Cándido is located, in the Plaza del Azoguejo dates back to 1884, and has belonged to the Cándido family since 1905, dedicated from the beginning to feeding travelers, merchants and visitors.

Cándido López "Mesonero Mayor de Castilla" was a mythical figure of his generation, dedicating his life to the profession of hotelier, offering from his Mesón del Azoguejo for more than half a century the suckling pigs that he split with the edge of a plate, a world-famous ceremony and which includes an entire ritual with music and recitation included.

Mesón Cándido has an extensive menu where the specialty is suckling pig roasted in a wood-fired oven. It also has a complete list of wines from all areas of Catilla and Leon and one of the most complete of wines and their typologies from around the world.

Prepare your visit

Address and map location

How to arrive
Where to sleep
Where to eat