By Castilla y Leon besides the French Way of Saint James there are other eleven Ways, between historical and traditional, through plains and mountains of the nine provinces of the community, to finally get into Galician lands.

The most visited Way of Saint James is precisely the so-called French which crosses the provinces of Burgos, Palencia and Leon, and forming likewise a great Wine Route under the direct influence of three Denominations of Origin in Castilla y Leon (Bierzo, Tierra de Leon and Arlanza) and tangentially Ribera del Duero, but with continuity by the autonomous communities of La Rioja, Navarra and Galicia.

Among the gastronomy of the Way of Saint James stands out strong and some forcefulness dishes designed to resist, but according to our Popular Cookbook, there is a bit of everything, as seen in the relationship that follows: Burgos morcilla (black pudding), Estofado (hotpot) of red beans from Ibeas, Cod prepared the way of Burgos, Roasted Lamb and Postre del Abuelo, for example in the lands of Burgos. On its way through the territory of Palencia we can highlight Menestra of Palencia (stew), Guiso de Cangrejos (crab stew), Pichones Estofados (stewed squabs) and Lechazo (lamb) Entreasado with the Soup of Castilla, the Estofado de Lenteja Pardina (lentil stew) of Tierra de Campos or the Pichones Escabechados (pickled pigeons). In the province of Leon: leeks of Sahagún, Cocido Maragato, Trout Soup, Botillo of Bierzo, accompanied by a good bread of Leon, for dessert some Angelicas of Astorga or some Pears to the white wine of Bierzo.