Route code
  • On foot
5.9 kms.
Ascent slope
140 m.
Difficulty of the route
From Puerto de la Fuenfría to Puerto de Navacerrada

Located in the Sierra Norte de Guadarrama Natural Park. The Schmidt Trail is a mountain path that links the port of Navacerrada with the port of Fuenfría. It was laid out at the beginning of the 20th century, it owes its name to the hiker Eduardo Schmidt, member number 13 of the Royal Spanish Mountaineering Society of Peñalara , founded in 1913. The signage was made in 1926. It is a classic mountaineering route in the Sierra de Guadarrama perfectly signposted. It is carried out on the northern slope through the pine forests of the Valsaín valley, and on the southern slope through those of Cercedilla. Together they make up one of the best preserved forest masses of Scots pine in the Central system. It is recommended to do it in autumn, spring and summer.

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    Address and map location

    • Postal address municipality of San Ildefonso . Segovia
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