The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Junta de Castilla y León has committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7, on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices of the public sector.This link will open in a pop-up window.

This accessibility statement applies to the website www.turismocastillayleon.comThis link will open in a pop-up window.

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with RD 1112/2018This link will open in a pop-up window. due to the exceptions and lack of conformity of the aspects indicated below.

Content not accessible

The content listed below is not accessible and progress continues in its resolution:

Lack of compliance with RD 1112/2018:

  • There are links that are not very descriptive. [JOIN EN 301549:2022 Inclusion of the tag in the name].
  • Some conformity requirements of the WCAG [UNE EN 301549:2022 9.6 Conformity requirements of the WCAG guidelines] are not met.
  • The videos lack subtitles [UNE EN 301549:2022 Subtitles (recorded)].
  • The videos do not have audio description or textual transcription. [UNE EN 301549:2022 Audio description or Alternative medium and Audio description (recorded)].