CARTEL PLAZAS SINFONICAS 2021High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switchCARTEL PLAZAS SINFONICAS 2021 Plazas Sinfónicas is a program of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism that presents 12 concerts in the nine provinces with the aim of making the OSCyL a Community project. From July 14 to 27 , the OSCyL will offer a wide repertoire, directed by José Luis López Antón, with concerts in the provincial capitals and towns with special links to the Camino de Santiago, on the occasion of the Jacobean 21-22 . The OSCyL will also travel this July to Palencia and Zamora to participate in different extraordinary concerts.

Through this tour, which is now in its fifth edition , the OSCyL will tour the Community with a series of concerts in prominent venues of cultural and historical heritage, with the aim of making the Castile and León Symphony Orchestra a Community project. , which all the inhabitants of Castile and León can enjoy. In this sense, in addition to the 12 concerts of the 'Plazas Sinfónicas' tour, the OSCyL will be present on Thursday, July 8 , in the Plaza de la Inmaculada in Palencia , with a concert framed in the commemorative program of the 700th anniversary of the seo Palentina, and next July 23 , in the Plaza de la Catedral in Zamora , within the International Chamber Opera Festival 'Little Opera'. Two extraordinary concerts that add to those already offered recently in the Burgos Cathedral and in the Aula Magna of the IE University of Segovia.