A theatrical performance by local amateurs, representing the time between the birth of Jesus and the flight into Egypt, with a musical accompaniment and a Christmassy atmosphere. The performance is divided into four parts, with a narrator telling the story.

General information

General information:
Castilla y León Tourist Interest


Cabezón de Pisuerga. 47260 Valladolid.

More information

Oficina de Turismo of Cabezón de Pisuerga


C/Constitución, 7 (Casa de Cultura). Cabezón de Pisuerga. 47260 Valladolid.

Teléfono: 605 682 097

Email: turismo@aytocabezondepisuerga.es

Página Web: http://www.cabezondepisuerga.es/turismo

Tourist Office of Valladolid


Pabellón de Cristal. Acera de Recoletos, s/n. Valladolid. 47004 Valladolid.

Telephone: 983 219 310

Fax: 983 217 860

Email: informacion@valladolidturismo.com

Email: informacion@valladolidturismo.com

Website: http://www.info.valladolid.es