A tour along outside offers us the typical image of a sober Romanesque building, with its semicircular headboard and a nave with a small belfry at the foot, but as soon as the small portico of XVI century is crossed a surprising façade, in perfect condition and beautifully decorated with vegetable capitals, fantastic beasts and warriors fighting against dragons, centaurs against lions, or the biblical scene of Las Tres Marías in front of the grave, appears

Inside, the sobriety is equally essential, with the apse vault presided over by the remains of wall paintings dated around 1500 and attributed to the master of San Felices, and which unfortunately were forcibly removed and sold in the 1920's

Historical Data

Religious architecture
Predominant styles:
Historical Period:
Middle Ages


Revilla de Santullán. Revilla de Santullán (Barruelo de Santullán). 34828 Palencia.

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Palencia


C/ Mayor, 31. Palencia. 34001 Palencia.

Teléfono: 979 706 523

Fax: 979 706 525

Email: oficinadeturismodepalencia@jcyl.es

Tourist Office of Barruelo de Santullán


Avda. Constitución, 20. Barruelo de Santullán. 34820 Palencia.

Telephone: 979 606 045 / 979 607 294

Email: turismo@barruelo.com 

Website: http://www.turismobarruelo.com

Opening hours

  • Summer July, 13 – September, 12):
    • Tuesday to sunday: 11:00 – 14:00 and 17:00 – 19.45
    • Closed: monday


1 €

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