14th-15th-century castle. Owned by the municipality. The ambassadors of the Liga Clementina were kept captive in the castle, by order of the Emperor Carlos V, in 1528.In 1813 Longa fought against the French troops.

Historical Data

Castle / Fortress / Watchtower


Poza de la Sal. 09246 Burgos.

Telephone: 947 302 046

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Burgos


Pza. Alonso Martínez, 7. Burgos. 09003 Burgos.

Teléfono: 947 203 125

Fax: 947 276 529

Email: oficinadeturismodeburgos@jcyl.es

Tourist Office of Poza de la Sal


Plaza de la Villa, Museo de la Radio. Poza de la Sal. Burgos.

Telephone: 947 302 024 / 633 953 276

Email: pozadelasalturismo@gmail.com