Castroverde gained special importance throughout the second half of the 12th century and the first years of the 13th as it was a fortified core of the Leonese defensive system in the Tierra de Campos area. Ferdinand II provided it with its defenses and in 1201 it was granted a charter, which included jurisdiction over its extensive alfoz. Their churches were built and reformed, as well as the walls of the town and the castle.

The church of Saint Nicholas appears documented in 1126, although its remains date from the early years of the 13th century. From this period, the tower stands out, as well as the medieval façade and a funerary chapel attached to the south wall of the nave.

The tower of the church, begun in chairs in Romanesque style, changes in the last body towards mudéjar architecture. In the lower part there is a funerary chapel. The first body is the most closed, in the second body there are gaps on two sides and the third body has been fragmented in height through the interposition of a small stone impost. The last body, built in brick, is intended for the body of bells.

After carrying out the consolidation and adaptation works of the ruins of the Church and the restoration completed in 2009, the church offers a renewed external image. We also proceeded to clean and restore the set of movable property, tombs, tombstones, font, and coatings with historical graffiti, altarpiece factories and plaster nerve decorations.

It has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest with a Monument category in 2022.

Historical Data

Religious architecture
Predominant styles:
Historical Period:
Middle Ages
Category of the Good:
Date of declaration:


De las Piedras, s/n. Castroverde de Campos. 49110 Zamora.

More information

Ayuntamiento of Castroverde de Campos


Municipality of Castroverde de Campos. Zamora.

Teléfono: 980 664 655

Fax: 980 664 655


Página Web:

Tourist Office Regional of Zamora


Avda. Principe de Asturias, 1. Zamora. 49012 Zamora.

Telephone: 980 531 845

