Old house of the inquisition. It is called the house of balconies because it was the first in the town with balconies. It has a façade typical of the houses of the early 15th century with round arched doors and stones similar to those of a town wall or a castle.

There are three railings with iron figures of eagles and other creatures as well as three balconies and a typical Castilian window.

Historical Data

Civil engineering
Manson House
Historical Period:
Early modern period


Mayor, 15. El Barco de Ávila. 05600 Ávila.

Email: informacion@aytobarcodeavila.com

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Ávila


Casa de las Carnicerías. C/ San Segundo, 17. Ávila. 05001 Ávila.

Teléfono: 920 211 387

Fax: 920 253 717

Email: oficinadeturismodeavila@jcyl.es

Tourist Office of Barco de Ávila (El)


Plaza de la Constitución, 7. El Barco de Ávila. 05600 Ávila.

Telephone: 920 340 100 / 920 340 013 (Ayuntamiento)

Email: espaciocultural@aytobarcodeavila.com

Website: http://www.aytobarcodeavila.com/