The Cathedral of Braga was the first Portuguese cathedral, erected several decades before the founding of the country. It began to be built at the end of the 11th century, and was concecrated and dedicated to the Virgin Mary by Bishop Pedro in a solemn session on August 28, 1089. Competing in power with the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and is the jewel of the city. D. Henrique and D. Teresa, parents of the first king of Portugal, are buried in the Chapel of Kings.

Also called the Santa Maria de Braga Cathedral, artistic relics, of its more than nine centuries of history, are preserved within. The Porta do Sol door, the floor-plan with an ambulatory, the main portico and the apse of the cloister of Santo Amaro all preserve the original Romanesque style. The architects were the prelates of the Monasteries of Cluny (France), Saint Gerard and Brudino. Built in the 15th century, the construction of the entrance porch to the temple was done in a Gothic style. Inside, we find a wooden Gothic-Flemish style tomb belonging to the Infante D. Afonso, son of King João I and of D. Filipa de Lencastre.

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