
Soria’s Carmelite monastery was founded in 1581. The Saint travelled to the city at the request of Bishop Alonso Velázquez, her confessor during the time he spent as Canon of Toledo Cathedral in 1576. Saint Teresa of Ávila herself left a written record of her stay in Soria in the Book of Foundations.

What to see?

  • Visitor Center Fossil TreeMore information

    It exposes the reconstruction of the primitive environment of 120 million years ago, through vegetal fossils from different geological eras, information about fossil forests in Spain and the most famous...

  • Hermitage of San PelayoMore information

    Hortigüela, crossing point between lands of the upper and middle Arlanza, is village in which highlights a proud hermitage on a rocky headland from which we can watch a beautiful landscape of water, river,...

  • Monastery of San Pedro de ArlanzaMore information

    Situated in the province of Burgos, the River Arlanza encircles the ruins of the historic Monastery of San Pedro Arlanza, a superb example of Romanesque art. It was founded by Count Gonzalo Téllez and...

  • Tower of CastrovidoMore information

    The castle from XIV century was built by the family Velasco. The tower is made of sandstone masonry and ashlar in the corners, fastened with mortar of lime and sand, and pebble. This fortress retains the...

  • Tower of Hoyuelos de la SierraMore information

    This four-floor tower is attached to what once was a palace; it is square and made with masonry. It is a place with few windows, where the most striking window keeps part of its decoration. All of it is...

  • Archaeological and paleontologic Museum / Museum of los DinosauriosMore information

    The museum provides a complete archaelogical and paleontological journey through its two rooms.There are also pieces which are representative of each culture: two-sided quarzite carvings which are 300000...

  • Santo Domingo de SilosMore information

    In the idyllic setting of the Tabladillo valley, southeast of the province of Burgos, stands Santo Domingo de Silos. Get to know the Silos monastery, considered one of the great Romanesque jewels in Spain,...

  • The Festival of los JefesMore information

    Representation of the feat of the silenses aginst the attack of the moores. Loud music, street parades, Las Crestas, San Antón horse racing, torchlit races around the village by the teenagers, castilian...

    Classification of Festivities
    Castilla y León Tourist Interest
    Ultimo sabado de enero
    Santo Domingo de Silos
  • Monastery of Santo Domingo de SilosMore information

    Benedictine monastery erected in the 12th century in honour of its Abbot, Abad Domingo, who died in 1073. A temple similar to that of San Pedro de Arlanza was built in 1088 and was replaced by the present...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat