  • Spain province
Type of route
To know more

This route starts in the city of Soria before making its way to the town of Abejar, retracing the verses of Machado. It then continues as far as Vinuesa, where the enquiring traveller can explore churches of great historical value and palaces that safeguard the history of nobles and leading figures.

This route around Soria’s green areas also includes one of the most spectacular natural spaces: the Black Lagoon, where over time the ice has sculptured the glacial landscape with its intriguing shapes and forms. The forest ecosystem, the lagoon, the streams and grasslands come together in a spectacular setting.

This route also includes the following sites of interest: Los Ramos House in Vinuesa, the Parish Church of San Martín de Tours in Molinos de Duero, the Maximino Peña House Museum in Salduero, the Parish Church of San Quirico and Santa Julita in Covaleda, the Parish Church of San Miguel Arcángel in Duruelo de la Sierra and the Parish Church of San Leonardo de Yagüe.

What to see?

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat
Heritage and Culture
Gastronomy and Wine Tourism