If one word defines Holy Week in La Bañeza, it is authentic. The Convent of Discalced Carmelites in the town, from 1592 and its relevance in the commissioning of works of art, will have a significant influence on Holy Week in La Bañeza.

The three Bañezan brotherhoods are from the 17th century and earlier. The Vera Cruz Assistance Brotherhood has a rule that dates back to the 14th century, with headquarters in the Hospital de la Vera Cruz. That of Nuestra Señora de las Angustias y Soledad, from 1615, with a hermitage owned by the Brotherhood and with its steps exposed throughout the year. In its chapel and surrounding areas, 4,000 portions of chickpea stew with cod are cooked and distributed in what is the gastronomic-religious festival of Castilla y León. It has an important imagery.

The Brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno dates from 1667. It is also the owner of its chapel in the center of the City. Its imagery stands out with a Pieta by Gregorio Fernández, which is currently not in procession, a Nazarene by Salvador Carmona or a crucified by Sanz Herranz among many others.

The three brotherhoods have events throughout the year, Band of Bugles and Drums, archives available to researchers and an imagery museum. Fifteen processions and thirty steps fill the streets in a catechism turned into wood.

As for the playful, the tradition of the game of caps, lemonade and almonds and good gastronomy, make it an Easter worth living.

General information

General information:
Castilla y León Tourist Interest


La Bañeza. León.

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of León


Pza. de Regla, 2. León. 24003 León.

Teléfono: 987 237 082

Fax: 987 273 391

Email: oficinadeturismodeleon@jcyl.es

Página Web: http://www.turismocastillayleon.com

Tourist Office of Bañeza (La)


Fray Diego Alonso, 9. La Bañeza. 24750 León.

Telephone: 987 656 737 / 699 606 216 (Whatsapp)

Email: turismo@turismolabaneza.com

Website: http://www.turismolabaneza.com