You have to be near one of the bonfires, seeing the face of the Nazarene on the night of Holy Thursday, and listening to the verses of the Miserere breaking the silence, to understand the Holy Week of Sotillo and feel the faith of a people who cling to their beliefs. centuries-old traditions.

On these days its most vivid traditions are concentrated (prior to 1618 and celebrated without interruption until today) which make up one of the richest, most beautiful and original Holy Week in the province of Burgos, since it celebrates events that distinguish it for its antiquity, popular roots and beauty, and that can be developed thanks to the participation of many neighbors based on the love they feel for the town's traditions.

The main celebrations are Holy Thursday: with the impressive Procession of the Bonfires* (of the four beautiful images* that parade between arabesques of light, the Christ of the Miserere* stands out, because inside two scrolls from 1777 have been found that recount the life of that time, "time capsule"*); Good Friday, with the staging of the Descent and the colorful Procession of the Holy Burial*; and Easter Sunday, with the Encuentro Procession*.

The differentiating elements of Holy Week in Sotillo are: The Monument*, removable neoclassical altar; Los Nazarenes*, a group of thirteen children who sing the Passion Romances; The bonfires*, which trace the processional route of Holy Thursday; The Roman Soldiers*, a garrison of peculiar soldiers who guard the saints; The chant of the Miserere*, in Latin, by a large group of neighbors in the processions of Holy Thursday and Good Friday. (Prize "Renaissance of the Ribera del Duero"); The Descent and Burial*, an emotional ceremony of lowering an articulated Christ from the cross with renewed scenery.

General information

General information:
Castilla y León Tourist Interest
Semana Santa


More information

Ayuntamiento of Sotillo de la Ribera


Municipality of Sotillo de la Ribera. Burgos.

Teléfono: 947 532 424 / 947 532 465

Fax: 947 532 424


Página Web:

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Burgos


Pza. Alonso Martínez, 7. Burgos. 09003 Burgos.

Teléfono: 947 203 125

Fax: 947 276 529
