The origin of the city of Valladolid dates back to the first half of the 11th century and the reinhabitation of the shores of the Duero. Valladolid is situated on a hill between the northern branch of the river Esgueva and the river Pisuerga. It is now a modern city has all the services.

Today, Valladolid is a modern, pioneering city in the region, and also possesses great architectural and artistic wealth. Valladolid is also the culminating point for the Ramal del Sur of the Canal de Castilla route which ends in a scenic channel just before it flows into the river Pisuerga.

The greatest era began with the Modern Age which transformed the city into the kingdom's administrative hub. It was not in vain that Carlos I declared it the capital of Spain.

You can find many different examples of art and architecture in every style ranging from the 13th century up to the modern day, in Valladolid. Moreover, Valladolid's gastronomy is attractive to tourists mainly because it contains a wide range of foodstuffs, like lechazo (young lamb), one of the city's most popular dishes.