A modern catamaran designed specifically for this environment with a capacity for up to 100 passengers. The facilities include a domed cover that can be raised to provide passengers with greater visibility and comfort, heating and air conditioning, toilets, a terrace at the stern and public address system. The boat is equipped with all the required safety systems, including fire detectors and an anti-sinking system, etc.

It is based close to Aldeadávila de la Ribera, in the area known as Rostro beach.

When to visit it?

Opening hours

  • General 18 €
  • Reduced 12 €
  • Groups 15 €
(Consult special rates for school groups)

Observations: Time schedule et reservations: www.corazondelasarribes.com

This portal is not responsible for possible changes in the schedules and rates reflected

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat