Discover the Hoces del Río Riaza Natural Park, where the river has sculpted one of the most impressive sets of gorges, canyons and gorges on the Iberian Peninsula. Contemplate the majestic gorge 5.5 kilometers long, 150 meters deep and 300 meters wide that fragments this corner of Segovia.

Step into this gift of nature and sanctuary for wildlife. Its slopes are home to sessile juniper forests and more than 600 pairs of griffon vultures that dance in the skies. The unique geomorphology creates an inaccessible refuge, perfect for raptors and steppe species.

Explore the historical footprint with remains of Romanesque churches and the Casuar hermitage, declared Assets of Cultural Interest. In Maderuelo, fragments of walls and interesting civil and religious architecture connect with the past, drawing one of the most beautiful medieval images of the province.

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