Ethnographic Museum of San Andres
It is located in the old town hall and is the result of the collaboration of the neighbours of the town of Almarza. On the first floor is preserved an old mountain kitchen with accessories of the period: plates, cutlery, pans, and a support for pitchers... It also has a room dedicated to the school.
When to visit it?
Opening hours
- Every day: arrange visit: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
This portal is not responsible for possible changes in the schedules and rates reflected
Get to know the surroundings
Address and map location
- Postal address Antigua Casa Consistorial. C/ del Medio, 32. San Andrés de Soria (Almarza). NaN. Soria
- Phones975 250 050
Tourist information
Almarza town hall
To know moreAddress
- Postal address municipality of Almarza . Soria
- Web
- Phones
- 975 250 050
- 975250228
- Fax975 250 050
Soria tourism office
- Postal address C/ Medinaceli,2. Soria. NaN. Soria
- Phones975 212 052
- Fax975 221 289
To know more