DECREE 10/2023, of June 22, which regulates tourist intermediation activities in the Community of Castile and León

The new decree that regulates tourism intermediation activities in the Community of Castile and León has come into force.

Purpose: The purpose of this decree is to regulate the tourist intermediation activity referred to in article 48 of Law 14/2010, of December 9, on Tourism of Castile and León, in the territorial scope of the Community of Castile and León.

Area of ​​application

  1. This decree will apply to tourist intermediation activities carried out in establishments located in Castile and León, as well as to their owners. For the purposes of this decree, the establishments located in Castile and León are the premises intended for travel agencies, which will be freely accessible to the public, will be duly identified, for which they will have a sign on the outside showing the commercial name. of the travel agency and its identification code, prominently and clearly visible. Likewise, they must be differentiated, so that they do not lead to confusion, with adjacent spaces and areas in which other commercial activities can be carried out.
  2. They will also apply to intermediation activities whose activity is provided remotely when the tax domicile of the owner of the activity is located in Castile and León .
  3. Likewise, this decree will apply to users to whom the tourist intermediation service is provided.