Restaurant / Banquet hall / Cafeteria
2 tenedores
- Handicapped-accessible
- Dogs allowed
- Credit cards accepted
- Air Conditioning
- Internet/Wifi connection
- Fax
- Garage - Parking
- Background music
- Garden - Terrace
- Modern
- Bank of a river, lake or reservoir
- Part of another tourist establishment
- Quaint spot
- Telephone
- High-altitude mountain area
- Area of tourist interest
Address and map location
- Postal address Carretera DE CANDELEDA A MADRIGAL DE LA VERA, KM. 2.1 (Cerro Crespo parcela 13 poligono 16). Candeleda * Diseminado * (Candeleda). 05480. Ávila
- Phones
- 920 104 000
- 658 693 455