Until December 31, 2029


From the Junta de Castilla y León, through the FEDER AtlanticOnBike project EAPA_024 / 2016 included in the Interreg Atlantic Space Program, in the conditioning and promotion of the EuroVelo 1 route, called Atlantic Coast Route, from North Cape (Norway) to Caminha (Portugal), with 9,150 kilometers of route.

This project involves 22 members from 6 countries -Norway, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal-, and 5 Autonomous Communities -Navarra, La Rioja, Castilla y León, Extremadura and Andalucía-, in addition to the Cooperation Network of Cities on the Vía de la Plata Route.

The entire itinerary is a spectacle for the senses: spectacular fjords, sunny beaches, ports full of life, cities full of history through ancient roads, and some of the most representative examples of Romanesque and Gothic.

The route through Spain (Navarra - La Rioja - Castilla y León - Extremadura - Andalucía), with approximately 1,373 km, is based on the culture and Historic Roads of all the regions that it crosses, entering through the Pyrenees Atlantic of Navarra and ending in the Atlantic Coast.


Through Castilla y León, approximately 514, you will travel 4 Historic Paths - Camino de Santiago Francés, Canal de Castilla, Ruta del Duero and Ruta Vía de la Plata -, you will know 4 World Heritage Goods recognized by Unesco and three Certified Wine routes .

Entering from La Rioja along the Camino de Santiago Francés you will reach Burgos, where you can visit the only cathedral declared World Heritage in Spain, one of the summits of European Gothic art, and the Archaeological Sites of the Sierra de Atapuerca, rosette stone of evolution Human, also World Heritage.

Through the Canal de Castilla and the Duero Route, you will enjoy the richness of its wines and its cuisine with an important offer of resources and services recognized by the Cigales, Rueda and Toro Certified Wine Routes. Continue along the path of the Douro River until you reach Zamora on the Vía de la Plata Route, known as the Capital of the Romanesque in Spain, and Salamanca, World Heritage City, with an important historical and cultural legacy, among which its University , the first in Spain and one of the oldest in the world.


We have developed different tourist proposals so you can enjoy the itinerary in collaboration with tourism professionals and companies with years of experience in bicycle touring. Professionals who contribute their experience in the regions on the EuroVelo 1 Atlantic Coast Route to help you discover a representative sample of the history, nature and enogastronomy of this European itinerary as it passes through Spain. We encourage you to meet and explore them.


We make it easy for you, download the tracks of the itinerary that will guide you on your tour.


Download the brochure that describes the itinerary through Castilla y León, it will help you plan your stages as they include the altimetric profiles.

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