2 llaves
Rooms and seats
- Total seats
- 12
- Accommodation units
- 2
- 1 Flats for 4 people
- 1 Flats for 8 people
- Extra beds
- 2
- Handicapped-accessible
- Credit cards accepted
- Hot water
- Lift
- Nearby bus or public transport
- Internet/Wifi connection
- Fire extinguishers
- Gym
- Rooms with living room - suites
- Garden - Terrace
- Mini-bar
- Bank of a river, lake or reservoir
- Hair-dryer in rooms
- 24-hour room service
- Central location
- TV in room
- Area of tourist interest
Address and map location
- Postal address Calle Postas 10. Aranda de Duero. 09400. Burgos
- Phones
- 947 659 106
- 947 659 106