On the hill of the current town of Astorga has been located the so-called 'trench of the camp', a vestige of the defensive system of a Roman military camp founded in the Cantabrian Wars (29-19 BC) and which very probably is the origin the current urban settlement. Cantabrian Wars and the importance of gold ore led to a legionary camp aimed at pacification and control of the autochthonous Astures inhabitants from the second decade BC.

Historical Data

Archaeology site
Historical Period:

More information

Tourist Office of Astorga


P/ Eduardo de Castro, 5. Astorga. 24700 León.

Telephone: 987 618 222 / 635 682 049

Email: turismo@ayuntamientodeastorga.com

Website: http://www.ayuntamientodeastorga.com/quevisitar

Tourist Office Regional of León


Pza. de Regla, 2. León. 24003 León.

Telephone: 987 237 082

Fax: 987 273 391

Email: oficinadeturismodeleon@jcyl.es

Website: http://www.turismocastillayleon.com

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