Official Portal of Tourism. Junta de Castilla y Leon

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Rutas culturales

Ruta por los retablos platerescos del este de la provincia de León

Province of León
Several days

The Route of the Plateresque Altarpieces of the East of the province of León, is made up of ten towns, eight from the southeast of León and two from the eastern mountain of León, these towns are those[...]

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VILLASELÁN - Church of Saints Facundo and Primitivo

Villaselan 1High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switchVillaselan 1

Main altarpiece located on the factory sotabanco and with a Gothic-style structure from the late 15th century. By means of stylized fasciculated pillars that end in pinnacles, the altarpiece is structured in three bodies of five streets with a slightly curved upper cover that imitates a ribbed vault.

A Renaissance tabernacle or tabernacle was added to the previous structure, reminiscent of those made by the followers of Gaspar Becerra during the last quarter of the 16th century. The pictorial tables in which passages from the cycle of the Passion of Christ are represented in the lower body, scenes from the life of the Virgin and Childhood of Jesus in the upper body and scenes of the martyrdom of the titular saints also seem to belong to this period. San Facundo and San Primitivo, in the middle section, whose images are also reproduced with sculptures of a round shape in the central street.

Restored in 2021.

timetable: 11 a 14 y 17 a 20.

Phone: 987781015


Villaselan 2High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switchVillaselan 2

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