From bridge to bridge
The stone outlines of the bridges in the province of Palencia trace a stunning landscape and safeguard the stories of the countless travellers that have crossed them on their way to their destinations.
This three day route takes visitors across some of the province’s finest bridges: examples include the main bridge in the city of Palencia, the Roman Puentecillas bridge or the iron bridge whose construction generated tremendous expectation. The route also includes a several other bridges and monuments in nearby towns, bringing visitors to Castilla Canal, where they can observe the numerous bridges and locks that take them back in time.
This route includes the following sites of interest: Fitero en Bridge in Palencia, the Jurisdiction Column and the Romanesque Chapel of Nuestra Señora de la Piedad in Itero de la Vega, the porticoed Plaza Mayor and the Monastery of Santa Clara, the Pedro I Museum and Palace, the Church of Santa María and the Santa Eugenia Parish Museum in Astudillo and the Castilla Canal lock in Villamuriel de Cerrato.