Castilla y Leon has numerous quality native products of the land and used, of course, to prepare the most popular dishes of the region. Ingredients that become the basis of a dish, such as the meat of the roasted piglet of Avila or the trout of Leon, also the cheese, the bread, the milk of Castilla y Leon, the delicious vegetables, or the leafy vegetable of the vegetable garden of Castilla y Leon, which are particularly concentrated in the provinces of Segovia and Valladolid.

Each ingredient provides an exquisite taste in the kitchen, enhancing the typical dishes of the region and also accentuating the rest of recipes to make them authentic delicacies.

  • Bakery and Confectionery

    Bakery and confectionery products are part of a food sector of great importance in Castilla y Leon, which includes companies of bread, pastry, confectionery and biscuits that supply with raw materials...

  • Birds

    The farmyard has had a great importance in the family economy, laying hens to provide of essential eggs, but above all for the breeding of chickens, roosters and more rarely ducks and turkeys fed with...

  • Bovine

    Cattle are of great importance in the economy of Castilla y León, which is maintained as a community with a higher census of cattle from Spain.Cattle are present in the culture of the region since ancient...

  • Caprine

    There is a long tradition in the consumption of goat in Castilla y Leon, but livestock is not very significant in terms of its number, but by its quality. Roast kid, like lamb, in wood-fired oven, is a...

  • Cheese and Milk Products

    Castilla y Leon is one of the first autonomous communities in production of sheep, cow and goat milk, being its dairy industries which produce one third of the national cheese production. The cheeses of...

  • Fruits and Vegetables

    Lettuce, leeks, chicory, potatoes, onions, garlic, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, peppers..., as well as vegetables that are consumed in unripe such as broad beans, beans , and peas,...

  • Hunting

    In a region as large and diverse geographically as it is Castilla y Leon, with landscapes of plain and mountain, forests, mountains and fields, the hunt has always been very abundant and that has had over...

  • Legumes

    Castilla y León has some of the best and most famous vegetables from Spain, much of which are covered under any figure of quality. It stands out thus the IGP of the Lentils of La Armuña and La Pardina...

  • Ovine

    Castilla y Leon is the second producer of meat sheep in Spain and the first of sheep’s milk. The region has several native breeds such as the Churra, the Ojalada and the Castellana, but there are also...

  • Pig

    In meat, pork is a totem for Castilla y Leon, from the pigs of the fattening and pastures, to pigs that each family raised at home as a key nourishment of the diet throughout the year, without forget the...

  • Sea and river fish

    Fish figure prominently in the recipes of the region, since by Castilla y Leon cross the main roads of the peninsular Northwest, therefore from centuries ago fish and seafood from the Atlantic and the...